Picking up or dropping off at Paddington might be confusing as riders and drivers often think that they need to proceeed via Praeed Street. But if you have a look at it, Praeed Street is not suitable for stopping your car. Double yellow lines everywhere and a lot of traffic. Saint Mary’s hospital is not far either and it could disrupt ambulances and other vehicles wanting to get there.
It is actually very easy to pick up and drop off there. As Private Hire drivers, we need to use the entrance that is on Bishop’s Bridge Road.
From Bishop’s Bridge roundabout, you need to exit at Bishop’s Bridge Road. Once there, after the traffic lights, turn left into the tunnel. If there are black cabs ranking on the left handside, overtake them and turn left. Ignore the sign mentioning “Except Taxis”.

Under the tunnel, follow the sign “Other” as opposed to “Taxis”.

Drive around and pick up/drop off at the prebooked bay, not the taxis one!

You can do the same thing if you are coming from the other side, Eastbourne Terrace or Westbourne Grove. Turn right into the tunnel and follow the signs.
Thanks for your information I was worried about getting ticket. I though I took risk using that route.
Thank you
If you drop you passenger nearBlack cab there is not sing
I’m Pco holder drop my passenger
Will I get ticket
Thank you