Ways to get more tips while driving with Uber and other apps

Tipping in a Uber London ViaVan

In the private hire industry, tips were a common thing to see. Riders use to leave tips at the end of the trip. The reason is that most rides were paid in cash. And it made easier for riders to leave tips by giving all or part of the change. Now that most payments are by transfer through apps, tips are becoming a rarity. Cash is no more there and even when a rider intends to give some they easily forget to do it later through the app. So how could we make tips more frequent nowadays? Here are few tips and leads about it.

Driver App London poll that confirms the low level of tips

In app changes are necessary

Some changes in the app would increase the level of tips given. Whether it is with ViaVan or Uber, the rider is always prompted to give tips once the trip is finished and after rating the driver. That often takes place after the ride when the rider is at home, on his/her workplace or elsewhere.

Here, apps should offer riders the possibility to leave tips in the car during the trip. That could be, for instance, few minutes before the end of the trip. The rider could receive a notification that suggest leaving tips before exiting the car. Kapten has also talked of making tips easier on its app. Each time that a rider would open the app, it will first ask them to give tips to the last ride’s driver. An interesting feature, as riders often forget to do it or do not think about it.

Tips Uber London
Tips are not enough promoted on the Uber app

Accept cash payments

Every apps are in London cashless at the moment. Only minor apps such as London Carriages accept Cash payments on the platform. As cash payments are an incentive for tips, introducing it as an option to pay would definitely raise the level of tips.

There is of course the safety concern to take in to account. However, crime risk is already high without cash payments. And that should be an option for drivers. If a driver would not like to accept cash, then he should be given the choice to opt out of it.

A tipping box

Some drivers are leaving a tipping box in their car between the two front seats. That would encourage riders to leave any change in it. There are many models available many in the US. But anyone could make its own and give it a try. There is always the risk that an ill-intended rider could take it on his/her way out. But that is a risk to take!

Tipping box Uber London
Tipping box that is glowing in the dark

The culture of tips

Tipping is also part of a culture. We know that American people are often leaving tips to drivers regardless of the type of ride taken.

Experience of a driver

It is less the case in other cultures, like in Asian countries, where tips are not a practice. In UK, we are a little bit in between. Some people would leave tips while other would not. Again, that is also due to the cashless automatic payments. Services where cash is more present, like restaurants and pubs, see tips being given on a regular basis.

Tipping cultures around the world
Tipping cultures around the world

Looking after the airport trips riders

These trips are bound to include tips at the end. Trips coming from airports would often be with tourists, riders who do not know London and are in need of advice. They are often long ones, so you would have the time to give a good first experience of the country to them. Give them advice about things to know and do about London, things to avoid and places to visit. Give them assistance by giving them a underground map and wifi in your car as their roaming might not be working.

These riders might be coming from a country where tips are more of a norm as said before. In brief, look after them and tips should follow!

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